Spanish Residence visas and Spanish citizenship Visas are two of the major residence visa types which you can apply for in Spain. Both of these visa types are quite similar to one another because of the reason that they are granted on a permanent residence basis in Spain. Speaking of the difference, the requirements make all the difference. The Spanish Residence Visa requires you to give up your original nationality and passport to become a Spanish citizen in real means.

Golden Visa Spain:

Non-EU citizens who wish to reside in Spain on residence visa permits can get Golden Visa Spain after buying property in Spain. As a property investor, you must meet the criteria set by Spanish immigration laws to get qualified for this Visa. Golden Visa Spain offers property investors and their dependents permanent residency in Spain in exchange for investing in Spain’s property.

Non-Lucrative Residence Visa:

Non-working individuals who possess an ongoing or reliable source of income or considerable, substantial savings can get this Visa for residency in Spain. This visa is for those who want to reside for more than 3 months in Spain.

Social Integration (“Arraigo Social”)

Any Non-EU citizen who is living in Spain and wants to regularize his stay can apply for it. You will need the following things:

  • Proof of stay in Spain for at least 3 years
  • Proficiency in Speaking Spanish
  • Spanish society integration
  • A job offer that is valid for 1 year (or 30 hours per week)
  • Proof of having no valid residency

Upon approval of social integration application, you can attain temporary work residency which is valid for one year and can renew after 1 year.