Business and Property

Probability to work abroad

Regardless of the fact that you can’t work in Spain, you will be able to earn money from investments so it’s an excellent option for people who have an established business online or in their own country or adequate investments elsewhere.

Travel all around Europe

NLV allows you to Travel within the schengen region with your Spanish residency Card NIE 

What are the financials that you have to provide to be eligible for this visa?

What are the financials that you have to provide to be eligible for this visa?

You should demonstrate that you have 400% of the IPREM yearly on your ledger. During the current year 2021, the IPREM is 564.90€ for a month. The primary candidate for this visa must show that he has 27.115,20€ income or saving per year and for every additional family member an additional 6.778,80€. We will study our clients financial status in details and will advise  them of the best manner to present their financials to maximise their success rate.

Proof of income

This can be demonstrated in many forms including a monthly income from investments, shares, rents, retirement, bank savings, property value and …… can be presented in combination to satisfy the authorities. Please note that all need to be under the name of the main applicant. It’s also possible but not likely that The immigration may ask for you to transfer the required savings to a Spanish account.


With the Non Lucrative Visa you become a tax resident in Spain? This permit requires you to stay a minimum of 183 days a year in Spain in order to be able to renew it, in conclusion you will become a Spanish tax resident. Furthermore, you will pay personal income tax on the income you earn worldwide

Compulsory private health insurance

Recognised private health insurance is compulsory for all members of the family. We strongly recommend the use of a reputable Spanish health insurance.

Clean criminal record

Official documents to prove that the applicant has no criminal history in previous countries of residence (crimes recognised by the Spanish law.